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Ultrasound of soft tissues

Ultrasound of soft tissues

Ultrasound examination of soft tissues is a diagnostic procedure that allows assessing the condition of subcutaneous tissue, skin and muscles in any part of the body.

Ultrasound of soft tissues

Ultrasound can determine whether soft tissue formations are benign or malignant and find out the extent of the spread of neoplasms. Ultrasound of soft tissues allows you to detect:

  • hematomas (blood accumulations in tissues)
  • lipomas (neoplasms from adipose tissue)
  • atheromas (sebaceous gland cysts)
  • hernias (umbilical, inguinal)

The procedure is also in demand in plastic surgery and cosmetology. Ultrasound of the soft tissues of the anterior abdominal wall is often prescribed to patients with diastasis (divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles) after childbirth to assess the condition of the muscles before performing endoscopic surgery to suture the abdominal muscles.

Ultrasound of facial soft tissues is a routine procedure after injections of fillers (various fillers, including hyaluronic acid). To correct the injection result, the doctor needs information about the exact location of the filler in the subcutaneous tissue, and ultrasound diagnostics allows to determine the amount of filler in each test area. The duration of ultrasound diagnostics of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscles is 10 minutes.

Indications and contraindications for soft tissue ultrasound

You can come to an ultrasound examination of soft tissues on your own initiative or at the direction of a doctor – usually a surgeon. According to Evgenia Smirenskaya, ultrasonographer with 17 years of experience, who sees patiens at the Odessa VIRTUS Institute office on Bunin Street, the procedure is rarely urgent and is usually performed on a scheduled basis. Among the indications for soft tissue ultrasound, the following ones can be singled out:

  • the presence of a palpable formation
  • a long-term non-healing injury
  • prolonged or systematic local painful sensations in the subcutaneous tissue, skin, and muscles
  • congenital vascular formations (hemangiomas)

A relative contraindication to soft tissue ultrasound is open wounds.

Popular questions

Is it possible to do soft tissue ultrasound during pregnancy?

Yes, Ultrasound of soft tissues can be done during pregnancy. The exam is safe at any stage of pregnancy.

What is included in soft tissue ultrasound?

Soft tissue ultrasound includes the examination itself and issuing the health state report. At the VIRTUS Institute, soft tissue ultrasound can be performed by a doctor of ultrasound diagnostics, who is also a family doctor, thus allowing you to get a brief professional consultation right away during the examination.

How is the ultrasound of the neck soft tissues performed?

Ultrasound procedure of the neck soft tissues and lymph nodes does not differ in any way from the diagnosis of soft tissues in other parts of the body. A sound-conducting gel is applied to the surface of the skin, and the exam is carried out using an ultrasound device sensor. Dopplerography is also a mandatory stage of ultrasound diagnostics of the neck soft tissues.

Preparation for soft tissue ultrasound

Before the soft tissues ultrasound examination, it is desirable to consult a surgeon in order to know exactly what is required to diagnose the skin, subcutaneous tissue or muscles. It is not necessary to have any special preparations for ultrasound of soft tissues, as well as facial and abdominal tissues.

Stages of soft tissue ultrasound

Ultrasound examination of soft tissues consists of several stages. First, a special gel is applied to the surface of the skin, which conducts ultrasound and allows the ultrasound device sensor to move freely. Then soft tissues are examined by the sensor. One of the main stages of the study is Dopplerography – assessment of blood supply in tissues, which allows accurate diagnosis of neoplasms.

Gaizhevskaya Irina Aleksandrovna

Gaizhevskaya Irina Aleksandrovna

Doctor with ultrasound diagnostics
Work experience (years): 14
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
Smirenska Yevheniia

Smirenska Yevheniia

Doctor with ultrasound diagnostics
Work experience (years): 20
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
Grisyuk Julia Jurievna

Grisyuk Julia Jurievna

Doctor with ultrasound diagnostics
Work experience (years): 20
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B

The service is available at branches

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