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Odessa+38 (048) 700 60 60
st. Sudnobudivna, 1BKyiv+38 (067) 501 60 80
st. Kostiantynivska, 57

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Facilities of the Trichology Department of VIRTUS Clinic provide all range of the required assistance to the patients who wish to get rid of the problems with scalp and hair.

The department is available at branches:
  • Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
  • Kyiv, Kostiantynivska, 57

Facilities of the Trichology Department

The Department is equipped with advanced equipment for diagnosing various hair and scalp problems. Our experienced trichologist can help a patient to make up the correct diagnosis, understand the source of anxiety and get a qualified medical assistance without leaving the Department walls.

Trichologists of VIRTUS Institute diagnose the diseases of hair and scalp with the use of the following equipment:

  • trichoscope TrichoScan used for micro video diagnostics which enables to magnify the condition of hair and scalp 200-300 times
  • dermatoscope FotoFinder –- a diagnostic unit (microscope) enabling to examine the scalp, assess the structure of hair and hair bulbs (follicles) and count the ratio of hair in the hair growth and hair loss phases
  • punch biopsy procedure allowing of sampling a scalp tissue of the patient with the aid of a special punch (scalpel) for further examination. This kind of diagnostic is particularly needed for the patients suffering from scarring alopecia forms

These apparatus are also applied for a dynamical control of the treatment: the trichologist assesses the changes and, if necessary, adjusts the prescribed therapy.

Treatment of the hair and scalp diseases

The trichologists of VIRTUS Clinic assist to cure such hair and scalp diseases as:

  • all kinds of alopecia (loss of hair) such as circular and diffuse alopecia, the androgenic alopecia (the malepattern loss of hair) and the scarring forms of alopecia
  • seborrheic dermatitis or seborrhea – acne
  • neurodermia or neurodermatitis
  • psoriasis of the scalp
  • dandruff and pseudofungi problems – e.g., head fungus
    diseases of the connective tissue
  • lichen rubber planus – a disease of the scalp which reveals by itching and violaceous papulas (rash)
  • scleroderma – a disease where the skin becomes dense and thick thereby disturbing blood circulation

The treatment course of the hair and scalp diseases depends on the nature of the disease and can last from several months (e.g., in case of pseudofungi dermatitis, treatment of dandruff and seborrhea dermatitis) to about a year in case of various form of alopecia.

Services and procedures in trichology

VIRTUS Clinic provides the following trichological services and procedures:

  • doppler imaging of the scalp vessels – improvement of the peripheral blood circulation
  • mesotherapy – microinjections of medical preparations in the hairy part of the head
  • hair transplant
  • FotoFinder and Trichoscan diagnostics
  • punch-biopsy


What are the symptoms of having problems with scalp and hair?

The following symptoms may indicate existing hair and scalp problems:
falling hair during washing head and combing.
itching and rash on the scalp.
discomfort and painful sensation when touching.
Trichologists are certain that the earlier a person turns to a doctor for assistance, the more chances to save hair and the easier will be the treatment. For example, in case of androgenic type of alopecia one year or year and a half delay may cause the death of the hair follicle and it will require hair transplantation to help a patient.

What the analyses prescribed by trichologist?

Besides FotoFinder and TrichoScan diagnostics, trichologist may prescribe such additional analyses
and tests as:

  • U/S diagnostics
  • biochemical blood analyses
  • thyroid panel – hormone panel, which demonstrates thyroid gland functioning
  • consultations of related specialists: endocrinologist, gynecologist, gastroenterologist
What is the preparation for the visit to trichologist?

On the day before the appointment with a trichologist it is recommended to wash your head.

Bzita Olena Anatolyevna

Bzita Olena Anatolyevna

Dermatologist, cosmetologist, trichologist
Work experience (years): 20
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
Yesaulenko Elena Vladimirovna

Yesaulenko Elena Vladimirovna

Cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist
Work experience (years): 16
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Kyiv, Kostiantynivska, 57
Buturlinova Alexandra Sergeyevna

Buturlinova Alexandra Sergeyevna

Cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist
Work experience (years): 20
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Kyiv, Kostiantynivska, 57
Service or type of diagnosticsOdessa
Sudnobudivna, 1B
Kostiantynivska, 57
Service or type of diagnostics
  • Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
  • Kyiv, Kostiantynivska, 57
Select branch
Консультация врача дерматовенеролога-трихолога10001000
Повторная консультация врача дерматовенеролога-трихолога600600

Services of Trichology Department

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What to do if hair falls out?

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