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Breast plastic surgery

Breast plastic surgery

Breast plastic surgery is one of the most popular services of the plastic surgery department of the VIRTUS clinic. Our surgeons have extensive experience in breast correction using implants from the world’s best manufacturers and bioimplants, which are created in our own VIRTUS laboratory.

The service is available at branches:
  • Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
  • Kyiv, Kostiantynivska, 57
Breast plastic surgery

Service types

Mammoplasty (breast surgery) is a general name for all plastic surgeries on the mammary glands that change their shape.

Mammoplasty can be of the following types:

  • augmentation, which in turn includes operations using artificial implants or one’s own fat (mammary gland lipofilling);
  • reducing – performed on patients whose breasts are too large and prevent them from moving;
  • lifting – as a rule, women whose breasts have sagged after pregnancy and breastfeeding apply for it. But at the same time, they have sufficient volume, and it just needs to be lifted into place according to aesthetic criteria.

If a woman has asymmetry of the mammary glands, during simultaneous augmentation surgery we use implants of slightly different sizes, thus symmetrizing the breasts. In addition, we perform reconstructive mammoplasty after mastectomy (removal of the mammary gland due to cancer or injury) and correction of previous unsuccessful breast surgery. Mammoplasty can also be performed on men in the later stages of gynecomastia (enlargement of the mammary glands as a result of the growth of benign fatty or glandular tissue) if hormonal therapy has not helped.

The main thing that our patients receive is beautiful, natural and healthy breasts with minimal or no traces of surgery.

Most often people visit our clinic

  • Women and girls who want to change the shape and size of their breasts
  • Women and girls who would like to enlarge their breasts and at the same time maintain the possibility of breastfeeding in the future
  • Women and girls with breast development problems (asymmetry, underdevelopment)
  • Women who need breast reconstruction after childbirth and breastfeeding
  • In the presence of pronounced age-related changes and after significant weight loss
  • Women who need correction of previous unsuccessful plastic surgery
  • For breast reconstruction after radical treatment of cancer, as well as for simultaneous mastectomy and breast reconstruction

Indications and contraindications for breast surgery

In the case of plastic surgery, the main indication for mammoplasty is a woman’s desire to improve the shape and condition of her breasts – this can be a tightening as part of recovery after childbirth and lactation or as a result of sudden weight loss, correction of age-related changes, reduction of overly large mammary glands that cause discomfort, or symmetrization and breast enlargement by installing implants.

Medical indicators include congenital abnormalities of breast development, asymmetry, changes in the shape of the breasts (or their loss) after cancer or injury.

Contraindications to breast plastic surgery are the presence of acute diseases or chronic diseases in a state of exacerbation, or dyshormonal conditions, which must first be treated by a gynecologist-endocrinologist. After chronic diseases are compensated, you can consult a plastic surgeon.

Result of breast surgery

The result of breast plastic surgery is the normalization of the breast shape in accordance with the general physique of the patient and the woman’s satisfaction with her appearance.

You can see the primary result on the chest 1-2 days after surgery. But you need to wait until the postoperative swelling goes down and the breasts drop a little after the lift. In general, the mammary glands acquire the desired shape within 1-2 months after surgery.

Regarding postoperative scars, their formation lasts 6-9 months. We use cosmetic seams, so there is usually no need for further sanding or correction. If the patient’s skin is prone to scar hypertrophy, laser resurfacing or conservative treatment comes to the rescue. In any case, the seams, which look like thin white stripes, are located where they are almost impossible to see.

VIRTUS is a full-service clinic, where consultation rooms, modern operating rooms and an intensive care unit equipped with the latest technology, comfortable wards and a block for post-operative rehabilitation ReHub are located on the same territory. All this makes your operation as safe as possible and allows you to save time on recovery. By the way, during the rehabilitation period, our patients can lead a normal lifestyle with some restrictions, and the recovery period itself lasts from 7 to 10 days.

Rehabilitation after breast surgery

The postoperative period usually lasts 1-2 days. In the future, the plastic surgeon recommends spending 6-8 days at home on sick leave so that the swelling goes away in softer, calmer conditions. During this period and over the next month, you should limit physical activity, avoid visiting the sauna, sea or taking a hot bath, or staying in the sun. You can travel by plane after surgery. As a rule, in 90% of patients a month after surgery, all these restrictions are removed and they can return to normal life.

Popular questions

Is it possible to have breast surgery before the age of 18?

Mammoplasty is usually performed after adulthood. But an exception is possible for strict medical indications: a pronounced defect, asymmetry, too large breasts, which interfere with the development of the patient’s torso and negatively affect her muscles and skeletal system.

Why can’t you raise your arms up after breast surgery?

The prohibition on raising your arms is not a strict requirement, but you should not do this in the first days after surgery. This reduces the range of motion, which reduces the load on the line of freshly applied sutures.

Who should not have breast augmentation?

Contraindications are only the presence of acute diseases or chronic ones in the acute stage. However, after treatment you can return to this issue.

Wish to see
Before and After

Results of our operations and procedures convince better than any words. Judge for yourself!

Preparation for breast surgery

In addition to external factors, when a patient comes for a consultation and evaluates the plastic surgeon himself, his manner of communication and the appearance of the office, there are quite a few internal factors: the technological sophistication of the actions of the surgeon, anesthesiologist, operating team, the availability and quality of the necessary equipment, etc. are of great importance. P. We perform implantation and other plastic surgeries carefully and meticulously in appropriate conditions, so all interventions are safe for the patient, and ultimately we can guarantee a reliable, long-lasting result.

After the patient has made the final decision that she will have this operation, she should consult a plastic surgeon and tell him what exactly she doesn’t like. The surgeon, taking into account his experience and the wishes of the patient, will offer the best option for plastic breast correction, which, with minimal intervention, can provide the best result.

Subsequent preparation for the operation is standard: it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, an anesthesiologist and undergo tests (clinical blood, coagulogram) and a breast ultrasound. In atypical situations, other studies may also be needed; the plastic surgeon will inform you about this during the consultation.

Stages of breast surgery

The doctor usually sets the date of surgery at the primary or secondary consultation. Consequently, on the day of the operation, the patient comes to the clinic on an empty stomach, and the plastic surgeon explains to her again what exactly and how he plans to do and what result should be expected. We at the VIRTUS Institute offer an integrated approach, when several problems are solved during one operation: for example, in one intervention you can remove a benign tumor and correct the volume of the breast or perform a lift. Next, the patient will proceed to the operating room, and the only unpleasant moment that awaits her is the installation of an intravenous catheter, which is carried out in a few seconds. The entire operation takes place under general anesthesia.

We use a surgical approach in which postoperative scars are least noticeable: small sutures pass under the breast or along the perimeter of the areola. Endoscopic breast augmentation is also possible, where an incision is made under the armpit. Typically, breast surgery lasts up to an hour and a half, after which the patient wakes up in the recovery room under the supervision of a nurse and the doctor on duty.

Kadochnikov Sergiy Valerievich

Plastic surgeon
Work experience (years): 19
Completed over 10 000 plastic and reconstructive operations.
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B

Kornienko Alexandr Evgenievich

Plastic surgeon
Work experience (years): 19
Completed over 10 000 plastic and reconstructive operations
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B

Sarkisyan Arman Grairovich

Plastic surgeon
Work experience (years): 10
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B; Kyiv, Kostiantynivska, 57

Symonenko Andrii

Work experience (years): 6
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
Service or type of diagnostics Odessa
Sudnobudivna, 1B
Kostiantynivska, 57
Service or type of diagnostics
  • Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
  • Kyiv, Kostiantynivska, 57
Select branch
Plastic surgery
Консультация хирурга высшей категории 1000
Консультация хирурга 700
Повторная консультация хирурга 500

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