Preparation for breast surgery
In addition to external factors, when a patient comes for a consultation and evaluates the plastic surgeon himself, his manner of communication and the appearance of the office, there are quite a few internal factors: the technological sophistication of the actions of the surgeon, anesthesiologist, operating team, the availability and quality of the necessary equipment, etc. are of great importance. P. We perform implantation and other plastic surgeries carefully and meticulously in appropriate conditions, so all interventions are safe for the patient, and ultimately we can guarantee a reliable, long-lasting result.
After the patient has made the final decision that she will have this operation, she should consult a plastic surgeon and tell him what exactly she doesn’t like. The surgeon, taking into account his experience and the wishes of the patient, will offer the best option for plastic breast correction, which, with minimal intervention, can provide the best result.
Subsequent preparation for the operation is standard: it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, an anesthesiologist and undergo tests (clinical blood, coagulogram) and a breast ultrasound. In atypical situations, other studies may also be needed; the plastic surgeon will inform you about this during the consultation.
Stages of breast surgery
The doctor usually sets the date of surgery at the primary or secondary consultation. Consequently, on the day of the operation, the patient comes to the clinic on an empty stomach, and the plastic surgeon explains to her again what exactly and how he plans to do and what result should be expected. We at the VIRTUS Institute offer an integrated approach, when several problems are solved during one operation: for example, in one intervention you can remove a benign tumor and correct the volume of the breast or perform a lift. Next, the patient will proceed to the operating room, and the only unpleasant moment that awaits her is the installation of an intravenous catheter, which is carried out in a few seconds. The entire operation takes place under general anesthesia.
We use a surgical approach in which postoperative scars are least noticeable: small sutures pass under the breast or along the perimeter of the areola. Endoscopic breast augmentation is also possible, where an incision is made under the armpit. Typically, breast surgery lasts up to an hour and a half, after which the patient wakes up in the recovery room under the supervision of a nurse and the doctor on duty.