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The problem of the body fat depots is not new to the humankind, however it may become a real personal tragedy and the reason for serious lack of self-confidence. Modern plastic surgery has found the solution within the problem itself.

The service is available at branches:
  • Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
  • Kyiv, Kostiantynivska, 57

Service types


  • Surgery duration: 60 – 120 min. (in case of diffuse-local type of fat deposits we perform a number of helpful procedures)
  • Type of anesthesia: local/mixed anesthesia (optimal-monitored sedation). The choice of anesthesia depends on size of the operated region and patient’s preference
  • Hospital or/and out-patiently: 1-2 days at the hospital
  • Recovery: 14-21 days
  • Surgeons performing the surgery:

Sergey Kadochnikov, leading plastic surgeon at clinic VIRTUS, Physician of Superior Merit, Candidate of Medicine.

Aleksandr Kornienko, plastic surgeon, Physician of Superior Merit. Performed over 800 successful plastic surgeries.


  • presence of essential fat deposits against normal weight, that affect sizes and distort appearance: double chin, so called «fat apron», waist shape changes, fat deposits in the area between the knees in cases of X-shape deviated legs, fat deposits in thighs, buttocks, calves;
  • after trauma and surgery tissue defects restoration;
  • breast asymmetry.


  • acute exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • infection processes;
  • fever

Lipomodelling and liposuction: what is what?

Many people confuse lipomodelling and liposuction, however they are not the same:

  • liposuction just removes subcutaneous adipose tissue;
  • Lipomodelling uses excessive adipose tissue for the purposes of surgical correction of certain areas wherever it is necessary. Basically, lipoaspirate is used as a building material for correcting wrinkles, legs relief, increase of breasts shape and size, filling up acquired defects caused by traumas

Worth noting that liposuction and lipomodelling are not the alternative of quick and simple weight loss according to many. First of all, that is a conservative way of body shape correction.

Providing that body proportions are preserved and there are no pronounced appearance defects, patients with excessive body weight may be prescribed to keep a diet, do physical exercises or cosmetology treatments in cases of cellulite.

The most direct indication for liposuction and lipomodelling are existing defects that cannot be corrected by conventional methods.

Recovery period

  • Postoperatively the patient is taken to a separate room, and remain under constant supervision by the clinic staff;
  • the patient will be allowed to get up on the second day after the procedure;
  • new body contours can be assessed in 30-45 days after the resolved edema;
  • the final results will be seen after 8-9 months following the procedure;
  • additional therapeutic/cosmetology skin care programs will support and improve treatment effect of lipomodelling;
  • Keeping rational diet and maintaining constant body weight, fat deposits will not return, and will be distributed uniformly over the body with gaining weight.

Frequent questions

What is the right age for this kind of surgery?

Deformation of major lines that form the body contour (neck-submental angle, inferior jaw, chin and cheek, thighs, waist line etc.) may become more conspicuous with age, that’s why women at the age of 25-35 try to preserve their slim figure and sharp facial contours.

Most frequent plastic surgeon’s visitors are women at the age of 35-40 y.o. having ageing changes caused by redistribution of adipose tissue manifested as so called «fat traps» of local nature (even before little wrinkles formation).

After 45-50 similar re-modelling can be successfully enhanced by excessive skin removal.

Do fat deposits come back at the sites undergone lipomodelling? I have read somewhere that it is possible.

Fat deposits at so called «fat traps» will not reoccur in case the patient will take care of his/her body weight consistency. However, in case of increased weight, the fat will be distributed uniformly.

Is there any use to have liposuction in cases of double chin or thigh area saddlebags?

If the described conditions do not cause lack of self-confidence, complexes nor influence general life quality or health state, liposuction can be avoided. Any invasive treatment results in some sort of discomfort for a patient like certain limitations during recovery period. In case it is possible try to use conventional, natural ways of controlling the fat deposits: sports and special diet.

Is it necessary to lose a lot of weight prior to the liposuction?

No, it is not recommended. Weight loss can complicate the procedure of liposuction. It will be even easier to lose weight after liposuction.

Moreover, when liposuction is performed before patient’s weight loss it will help to recover the «extra» skin issue, thus minimizing the risk hanging folds.

Wish to see
Before and After

Results of our operations and procedures convince better than any words. Judge for yourself!

Preparation & Process


  • detailed surgeon’s consultation, review of the medical history and examination;
  • delivery of prescribed tests 2-3 weeks before the procedure;
  • anesthesiologist’s consultation;
  • exclusion of challenging food from your diet 1 – 2 days prior to the procedure;
  • Cessation from smoking and alcohol 2 weeks prior to the procedure, discontinuation of anticoagulants, cessation from perming and dying hair, limitation of physical straining activities.
  • photos of the operated area.


  • preoperative marking of the sites to be operated as well as skin-puncture sites;
  • layer-by-layer skin infiltration by the anesthetic solution. The surgery starts 15 min after infiltration;
  • The construction of lipoextractors allows operating without damaging nerves and vessels. Separation of lipocytes can be achieved by means of anesthetic solution, smooth motions of lipoextractor and manual treatment by the surgeon;
  • cosmetic suturing of the sites of skin punctures;
  • Placement of fixing elastoplastic rubber on the operated area (for the term of 6-7 days). Elastoplastic rubber stimulates spontaneous skin contraction and prevents excessive skin folds’ formation (one of the advantages of Lipex method).

Kadochnikov Sergiy Valerievich

Plastic surgeon
Work experience (years): 18
Completed over 10 000 plastic and reconstructive operations.
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B

Kornienko Alexandr Evgenievich

Plastic surgeon
Work experience (years): 18
Completed over 10 000 plastic and reconstructive operations
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B

Sarkisyan Arman Grairovich

Plastic surgeon
Work experience (years): 9
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B; Kyiv, Kostiantynivska, 57
Service or type of diagnosticsOdessa
Sudnobudivna, 1B
Kostiantynivska, 57
Service or type of diagnostics
  • Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
  • Kyiv, Kostiantynivska, 57
Select branch
Plastic surgery
Консультация хирурга высшей категории900900
Консультация хирурга700720
Повторная консультация хирурга500500

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