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Liposuction of the withers

Liposuction of the withers

A widow’s hump, which occurs in the area of the 7th cervical vertebra, has nothing to do with spinal curvature or weight gain. This is a local fat trap, which is formed in women as a result of age-related hormonal changes during menopause, and is characterized by particularly hard and dense fat.

The service is available in branches:
  • Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
Liposuction of the withers

As in the case of most fat traps, it will not work to get rid of the hump thanks to physical exercises or massage, but it is easily removed by a plastic surgeon using the method of liposuction (lipoaspiration, ultrasound or laser liposuction). In particular, for our leading plastic surgeon Serhiy Kadochnikov, this is an ordinary routine operation.

Indications and contraindications for the removal of a widow’s hump

The indication for removal of a widow’s hump is, in fact, its presence and the woman’s dissatisfaction with this fact. If a woman has a menopausal hump for long enough, the accumulation of fat can affect the mobility of the neck muscles and impair the blood circulation that nourishes the brain. As a result, she may complain of dizziness, insomnia, and headache. Contraindications to liposuction are general surgical: acute infectious diseases, diabetes in the stage of decompensation (uncontrolled) and others. High degree of obesity can also be added to this list, because during liposuction of the withers on the neck, the patient lies on her stomach, and the excess weight will prevent her from breathing.

The result of withers liposuction

After the fat from the widow’s hump is removed by liposuction, the skin returns to its normal position by itself, and only a small scar remains as a reminder of the operation, which eventually heals. The contours of the neck and upper back, as well as the posture in general, improve. This is an operation, the effect of which lasts a lifetime. If the hump was large, the woman feels not only aesthetic, but also physical relief.

What will happen if you don’t get rid of the withers

If liposuction is not performed, the withers may remain the same size or continue to grow. Neither physical exercises, nor massage, nor cosmetology procedures will help to remove it.

Popular questions

How much does withers liposuction cost?

You can find out the price of liposuction of the widow’s hump from the clinic administrator, it is also indicated on our website in the “Cost of services” section (Lipomodelling). Please note that the consultation of a plastic surgeon is paid separately.

How to sleep after liposuction withers?

After liposuction of the withers, the plastic surgeon recommends sleeping on your stomach for the first 5-7 days. In the future, you can return to the usual position on your back or side.

Can a widow's hump be removed by massage?

A widow’s hump is a hormonal fat trap that cannot be removed with massage. However, massage can be helpful when it comes to spinal problems. To understand what exactly is the cause of the withers, you should consult a plastic surgeon.

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Preparation for liposuction withers

Since liposuction of the withers takes place under local anesthesia, the procedure does not require special preparation. The plastic surgeon will prescribe the necessary list of tests during the consultation, and there is usually no need to visit an anesthesiologist. This is a half-day surgery, when the patient stays in the clinic for several hours and goes home soon after the operation is completed.

Stages of withers liposuction

The operation to remove the withers takes place in the operating room. The patient lies on her stomach, a small puncture is made in the widow’s hump and a liposuction device is connected, which extracts excess fat deposits. This fat cannot be used for lipofilling, it is disposed of. In addition to the traditional liposuction described above, there is also ultrasound and laser liposuction of the withers. Fat deposits are first broken up by ultrasound or burned by a laser, then removed. We, however, prefer classic liposuction, which reliably removes the widow’s hump with a minimal recovery period and lower cost.
In the case of liposuction of the widow’s hump, it is difficult to combine it with another operation due to the position of the patient’s body, therefore, if a woman has a desire to also have a facelift or other plastic surgery, we start with it. And in two weeks, we are already carrying out liposuction of the withers.

Rehabilitation after removal of widow’s hump

Rehabilitation after removal of a widow’s hump is usually quick and easy. For the first few days, the puncture site may be painful to the touch, postoperative edema is formed – for its removal, the doctor prescribes physical procedures. In about a month, a woman can fully appreciate the result of liposuction of the withers on the neck.

Kadochnikov Sergiy Valerievich

Kadochnikov Sergiy Valerievich

Plastic surgeon
Work experience (years): 18. Completed over 10 000 plastic and reconstructive operations.
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
Symonenko Andrii

Symonenko Andrii

Work experience (years): 5
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
Service or type of diagnostics Odessa
Sudnobudivna, 1B
Kostiantynivska, 57
Service or type of diagnostics
  • Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
  • Kyiv, Kostiantynivska, 57
Select branch
Plastic surgery
Консультация хирурга высшей категории 900 900
Консультация хирурга 700 720
Повторная консультация хирурга 500 500

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