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Cruroplasty – is nowadays popular surgical procedure performed to improve proportions, definitions and curves of the lower legs. It can help those people who desire additional definition of the calf area, which can’t be achieved either by intensive physical exercises or diets.

The service is available in branches:
  • Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
  • Odessa, Bunina, 10
  • Kyiv, Kostiantynivska, 57

Calf implants or lipofilling are best suited for leg sculpting and for increasing the size and enhancing the shape of the calves.


  • Bowleggedness (Genu varum);
  • Disproportional calf development, causing aesthetic discomfort;
  • Muscle imbalance;
  • Congenital disability, postsurgical, posttraumatic hypotrophy or acnemia;
  • Front and back calf surface «folds»;
  • Aesthetic dissatisfaction with shape and/or volume of lower legs when it is impossible to build up muscle mass in the course of regular physical exercises, to emphasize the calf muscles relief;
  • «Skinny/chicken» legs;


  • Emerging infection diseases;
  • Insulin-dependent diabetes;
  • Haemophilia and other coagulation failures;
  • Lower limb devascularization;
  • Chronic active visceral diseases;
  • Oncopathology;
  • Complicated skin diseases;
  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • Genu varum (bow legged) and genu valgum (knocked knee) cannot be fixed by calf implants surgery only if this is the case of orthopedic alignment.

Calf implant operation at Virtus Institute of Plastic Surgery

Correction of bowed legs is performed by means of special up-to-date implants ordered by clinic Virtus individually for each patient.

In order to select the proper calf implants, the surgeon considers various individual factors such as: patient’s health state, age, skeletal structures definition and calf muscles. The surgeon also determines the right implants size and shape as well as optimal positioning on each leg, based on his assessment of the patient’s anatomical proportions, and then properly sculpts and places the implant, thereby anticipating the outcome after the surgery.

Currently, the most common implant material used for cruroplasty in Ukraine includes silicone gel and saline. However, solid silicone is now the standard material for calf implants thus cohesive silicone gel calf implants are successfully used at Plastic Surgery Clinic Virtus.

The Implants are supposed to be both sufficiently elastic (due to the constant alteration of calf shape as a result of calf muscles deformation when walking) and firm.

These implants can be shaped as desired, which is particularly advantageous for treatment of any calf deformations. A volumetric gel that is made of cohesive silicone won’t migrate to other areas if the implant is somehow ruptured. Cohesive silicone gel calf implants are also preferable for their natural feeling.


Advantages and aesthetic results after lipofilling procedure?
  • Natural bioplant;
  • There is no need for a special pre-examination period;
  • Low possibility of allergy symptoms or other negative reactions;
  • Minimally invasive, there is no need to make an incision;
  • Painless;
  • Short duration of the procedure;
  • The lipofilling procedure can be performed under local anesthesia;
  • Several lipofilling sessions are necessary to achieve the stable result. Our plastic surgeons use professional techniques to reduce resorption rate of fat grafting;
  • Over 80% survival rate of grafted fat;
  • Natural and aesthetic shape and bulk of the calf muscles.

Wish to see Before and After examples?

Results of our operations and procedures convince better than any words. Judge for yourself!

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Before and After

Results of our operations and procedures convince better than any words. Judge for yourself!



Calf endoprosthesis replacement implies pre-operative preparations involving the following procedures:

  • Fluorography;
  • Clinical blood analysis and chemistry panel;
  • Clinical urine analysis;
  • HIV / Hepatitis tests;
  • Dopplerography for blood vessels of the legs.
Procedure and Recovery
  • The surgeon makes an incision in the natural crease behind each knee (3-4 cm);
  • A special instrument is used to create a pocket between this fascia and the underlying muscle;
  • The implants which may be one to each leg or two depending on the desired effect are placed through small incisions. This procedure can be performed on both legs at the same time;
  • The surgeon examines the legs, and if the result appears good, the incision in the fascia is closed with stitches and a bandage is applied to reduce swelling and discomfort.
  • After the surgical procedure the patient is taken to a comfortable recovery room for the postoperative care.

The patient is placed under general anesthesia and the procedure usually takes between one to two hours.

The duration of recovery period depends on the patient’s unique situation. After calf implants surgery the stitches are removed within 1-1,5 weeks, and a bandage will be applied to reduce swelling and discomfort. The patient is usually able to return to full physical activities within 4-6 weeks.

Calf augmentation reports one of the highest levels of satisfaction among patients, many of them report an increased sense of self-confidence after the procedure

Calf lipofilling at clinic VIRTUS

Lipofilling or fat grafting is a widespread technique in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, and it is a modern technical innovation. For getting stable and long-term results the following procedure should be done by an experienced Plastic Surgeon.

The fat is a natural filler thus it can be easily accepted by the recipient. There is minimal discomfort or morbidity for the clients. Moreover, the lipofilling can easily be repeated if necessary.

Calf lipofilling is performed in 3 steps:

  • Harvesting of adipose tissue from a suitable donor site. It can be done with the aspiration cannula or the mechanical device (Body-Jet) that creates vacuum pressure to aspirate the fat through the needle;
  • Purificationof the aspirated fat tissue (lipoaspirate) in biotechnical laboratory «SmartCell». Aspirated or suctioned fat is processed by centrifuging to obtain a «purified» sample (medically approved grad);
  • The implant administration at the recipient site. The fat is gently injected in different layers at different levels underneath the skin and in the deeper soft tissues.
Kadochnikov Sergiy Valerievich

Kadochnikov Sergiy Valerievich

Plastic surgeon
Work experience (years): 19. Completed over 10 000 plastic and reconstructive operations.
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
Kornienko Alexandr Evgenievich

Kornienko Alexandr Evgenievich

Plastic surgeon
Work experience (years): 19. Completed over 10 000 plastic and reconstructive operations
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
Sarkisyan Arman Grairovich

Sarkisyan Arman Grairovich

Plastic surgeon
Work experience (years): 10
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B; Kyiv, Kostiantynivska, 57
Symonenko Andrii

Symonenko Andrii

Work experience (years): 6
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
Service or type of diagnostics Odessa
Sudnobudivna, 1B
Kostiantynivska, 57
Service or type of diagnostics
  • Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
  • Kyiv, Kostiantynivska, 57
Select branch
Plastic surgery
Консультация хирурга высшей категории 1000
Консультация хирурга 700
Повторная консультация хирурга 500
Эндопротезирование голеней (без стоимости имплантов) 70000
Удаление имплантов голеней 30000
Замена имплантов голеней 85000
Удаление полиакриламидного геля (ПААГ) голеней, 1 категория сложности 20000
Удаление полиакриламидного геля (ПААГ) голеней, 2 категория сложности 30000
Удаление полиакриламидного геля (ПААГ) голеней, 3 категория сложности 45000

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