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Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder

Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder

Ultrasound examination of the kidneys is a non-invasive method of assessing the state of the kidneys structure.

The service is available in branches:
  • Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder

Ultrasound diagnostics allows painless detection of various pathologies of the kidneys, with the help of ultrasound, you can determine the presence of:

  • stones
  • tumors
  • cysts
  • pyelonephritis (inflammation of the renal pelvis)
  • deviations in the kidneys location

To assess kidney function, there are other methods, in particular, urine tests, therefore, in addition to ultrasound, general clinical tests are often required for kidney state diagnosis.

The kidney ultrasound can be done on your own initiative or at the doctor’s appointment – most often, a family doctor, urologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist. The examination lasts 10-20 minutes and is suitable for any age, including infancy. Ultrasound of the kidneys is a painless and harmless procedure.

Ultrasound of the kidneys can be done for preventive purposes. But, as a rule, before the exam, it is desirable to consult an urologist or a family doctor, since some symptoms typical to kidney diseases may be other attributable pathologies.

Indications and contraindications to kidney ultrasound

According to the ultrasonographer with 17 years of professional experience Evgenia Smirenskaya, who sees patients at the Institute VIRTUS, back pain, in which kidney pathology is most often suspected, in 95 percent of cases is the consequence of spinal diseases. Therefore, before an ultrasound examination of the kidneys, it is recommended to take a general urine test. Among the complaints that are indications for ultrasound diagnostics of the kidneys, one can distinguish:

  • discomfort in the kidney area, accompanied by high fever
  • pain radiating to the perineum
  • puffiness
  • diseases of the connective tissue and cardiovascular system, in which the kidneys are affected
  • hereditary kidney problems

There are no contraindications for kidney ultrasound.

Preparation for kidney ultrasound

There is no need of special preparations for kidney ultrasound. Sometimes children with certain diseases are examined several times: first on an empty stomach, then given a drink, urinate and repeat the procedure, but such manipulations must be prescribed by a doctor.

Popular questions

Is it possible to determine kidney inflammation by ultrasound?

Yes, ultrasound can determine kidney inflammation. But to confirm the diagnosis, clinical urine tests are usually required, especially in the first days of the disease, when the inflammatory process is not pronounced strongly.

Does kidney show ultrasound stones?

Yes, with the help of ultrasound diagnostics, it is possible to detect kidney stones. On ultrasound, the stones look like echogenic (white) inclusions.

How much water to drink before ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder?

It is not necessary to drink water before ultrasound of the kidneys. But before doing the bladder ultrasound, you need to drink about a liter of water, because for a full diagnosis, the bladder must be filled with liquid.

Is it possible to eat before ultrasound of the kidneys and liver?

Before ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder, you can eat. Ultrasound of the liver is a different examination (the liver is located in the abdominal cavity, and the kidneys are in the retroperitoneal space). Before ultrasound of the kidneys, it is recommended not to eat for 6 hours.

Is it possible to do an ultrasound of the kidneys during pregnancy?

It is possible and necessary according to the indications. Ultrasound of the kidneys is especially important during pregnancy if, according to the results of tests, a woman has protein in her urine, and can be performed according to the indications as many times as necessary.

Gaizhevskaya Irina Aleksandrovna

Gaizhevskaya Irina Aleksandrovna

Doctor with ultrasound diagnostics
Work experience (years): 14
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
Smirenska Yevheniia

Smirenska Yevheniia

Doctor with ultrasound diagnostics
Work experience (years): 20
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
Grisyuk Julia Jurievna

Grisyuk Julia Jurievna

Doctor with ultrasound diagnostics
Work experience (years): 20
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B

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