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What is an endoscopic face lift?

What is an endoscopic face lift?

Endoscopic face lifting is a minimally invasive surgical intervention for facial rejuvenation and elimination of sagging soft tissues (ptosis), which is performed through small incisions (1.5-2 cm) along the hairline. Thanks to this, the patient does not have visible scars, and the postoperative period lasts less time. Endoscopic lifting, as a rule, is used for plastic surgery of the upper two-thirds of the face.

What are the types of facelift?

Facelift is a general name for all facial rejuvenation operations. According to the anatomical zones where the manipulations are carried out, the following types of lifting are distinguished:
circular face lift — simultaneous lifting of all three areas of the face (upper, middle and lower thirds);
plastic surgery of the middle zone of the face — as a rule, it is performed endoscopically through incisions in the temporal part of the head, when there is ptosis of the middle third of the face;
lifting of the lower two thirds of the face and neck (lower triangle);
operations on the upper part of the face (forehead, eyebrow lift).
For patients at a fairly young age (38-45 years), when age-related changes do not yet require major surgical intervention, we at the VIRTUS Institute offer endoscopic lifting of the temples, mid-face or cheeks (cheek-lifting).

How to understand what type of brace is needed?

In order to understand exactly what type of lifting is needed, first of all, you should look at yourself in the mirror and answer the question of what exactly you don’t like about your face. With this, you can already contact the surgeon, and he will suggest the best and most balanced option for correction, which will ensure an optimal result and a minimal recovery period. After all, facial surgery has many methods and approaches, so it is not always necessary to tighten exactly those areas that the patient complains about. Sometimes, working with slightly different areas of the face will give a better result.

In what situations is it necessary to perform an endoscopic face lift?

Endoscopic face lifting is recommended for those patients in whom age changes are less pronounced, and the skin retains its tone. Indications for endoscopic face lifting are:

  • the presence of static wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose;
  • expressed nasolabial folds;
  • lowering of the eyebrow and forehead line;
  • drooping of the upper eyelids;
  • formation of wrinkles in the corner of the eyes;
  • drooping of the outer corners of the eyes.

With significant age changes, we recommend classic surgical face lifting, which will guarantee a long-lasting result (8-12 years). A deep face lift involves working in those layers where the muscles and deeper structures of the face are located. This allows you to make a better lifting, but there are also disadvantages: the risk of neurological complications, which can lead to deterioration of innervation of the face. Therefore, these operations require a more meticulous approach and qualified surgeons.

Is it possible to lift several areas of the face and neck at the same time?

Lifting of several areas of the face and neck at VIRTUS is not only possible, but also necessary, if there is an indication for it. After all, there comes a time in a person’s life when face lifting without surgery no longer works, and age-related changes become more and more visible. We quite often perform simultaneous operations, which include correction of the lower third of the face, plastic surgery of the oval of the face, neck, lipofilling and other manipulations that improve the condition of all areas of the face. In this way, the patient solves all problems related to rejuvenation in one operation for the next 8-10 years, has one anesthesia and one recovery period.
Rejuvenating treatment consists of two blocks: plastic surgery and therapy. The main work on rejuvenation is performed by a plastic surgeon, but after the operation there should be supportive cosmetology therapy.
From time to time, you should consult a cosmetologist who will maintain the balance of the skin and work with small mimic wrinkles, which the surgeon does not work with. A common cosmetology procedure is the lifting of the temples with threads, which can be performed simply in the cosmetologist’s office under local anesthesia.
It also happens that plastic surgery and cosmetology procedures are combined into one operation: for example, a surgeon performs plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids, and a cosmetologist injects hyaluronic acid, preparations of one’s own plasma or other preparations that stimulate the composition of substances in the skin and improve its condition.

What are the advantages of endoscopic lifting?

Endoscopic facelift is not only a rejuvenation operation: it can also be performed on young people who want to raise the eyebrow line and make the look more open. Endoscopic lifting has a number of advantages:

  • absence of incisions and, accordingly, postoperative scars. All manipulations are done through small punctures of the skin (1.5-2 cm), and after a few months even the plastic surgeon who operated on the patient will hardly be able to easily find the traces;
  • operations are easier for the patient;
  • a shorter rehabilitation period and a quick return to the normal rhythm of life.

One of the common operations is the lifting of the forehead and eyebrows by endoscopic method. But it is possible to raise the eyebrows separately – either only the outer corners, or along the entire length. Different technologies are used for this, but in any case the patient gets the result he wants.

How much does an endoscopic face lift cost?

For such a fairly technological operation, the cost is not too high, especially if you take into account the duration of the rejuvenation effect. You can get acquainted with the price of an endoscopic face lift on our website, and the total cost is calculated by the administrator after consulting a plastic surgeon.

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