You should consult a doctor about intimate plastic surgery when a woman (or less often, a man) is not satisfied with the appearance of her intimate organs, discomfort or unpleasant sensations during sex. These changes can be caused by age, hormonal changes or, in the case of women, due to childbirth. Fortunately, modern gynecology and plastic surgery have taken a significant step forward in solving women’s problems that were previously ignored. Intimate plastic surgery should not be a taboo subject to be ashamed of, and plastic surgeons at the VIRTUS Institute work to ensure that every patient can feel comfortable in their body and enjoy all aspects of life.
What is intimate plastic
Intimate plastic surgery is a series of operations on organs that are included in the intimate zone: external – vagina, internal – vulva, and perineum. In particular, intimate plastic surgeries include:
- rejuvenation of the labia majora or labia minora with age-related changes;
- reduction and filling of the labia minora (lipofilling) is mostly about recovery after childbirth: after the baby passes through the birth canal, the tissues are stretched and they become flabby. Filling is carried out due to adipose tissue transplantation;
- reduction and symmetrization of the labia;
- plastic hood of the clitoris (increase or decrease);
- vaginoplasty (can be both antiaging and restorative);
- operations on the perineum (perineoplasty), etc.
As a rule, intimate plastic surgery is a complex operation that includes plastic surgery of the pelvic floor, plastic surgery of the perineum, and vaginoplasty, thanks to which the tone of the muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor is restored in one intervention. This not only improves sex life, but is a prevention of future age-related changes, such as stress urinary incontinence, vaginal prolapse, and others.
How does intimate plastic surgery differ from intimate rejuvenation procedures provided in beauty salons?
Intimate plastic surgery is a branch of plastic surgery that involves ridding a woman of complexes about her body and discomfort, while intimate rejuvenation is a type of plastic surgery designed to combat age-related changes.
Many beauty salons currently offer laser intimate rejuvenation, but if a woman is indicated for surgical treatment, the laser cannot provide a high-quality and long-lasting effect. Intimate rejuvenation is an operation that must be performed by a qualified plastic surgeon under the right conditions (operating room with appropriate equipment, anesthesia, postoperative care), which no salon can provide. Our Institute takes care of the patient’s safety during the surgical intervention and in the postoperative period – and therefore, we are able to prevent possible complications. In addition, we offer a comprehensive approach and simultaneous operations that solve several problems at the same time with only one recovery period.
With what problems should I apply for intimate plastic surgery?
In addition to general dissatisfaction with the appearance of the intimate area, there are a number of medical indications that are a reason to contact a plastic surgeon for intimate plastic surgery:
- prolapse of the uterus;
- loss of elasticity, sagging of the vaginal walls;
- stretching of the vagina, formation of scars and other postpartum changes;
- urinary incontinence during sudden movements, physical exercises, coughing, laughing;
- drooping labia majora;
- damage to the perineum due to injuries;
- congenital anomalies of the structure of genital organs;
- unpleasant sensations during intercourse;
- enlarged labia minora, which cause physical and aesthetic discomfort.
When planning intimate rejuvenation operations, the day of the cycle is taken into account: during menstruation, the regenerative abilities of a woman’s body are reduced, and the risk of bleeding increases. The best time for such a surgical intervention is after the end of menstruation.
Intimate plastic surgery for women
Intimate plastic surgery for women corrects many problems that arose after childbirth. In particular, perineoplasty (plastic surgery of the perineum) is performed when, as a result of injury to the perineum and stretching of the vagina, the access of bacteria from the anus to the vagina is facilitated, which leads to bacterial vaginosis. Perineoplasty allows you to strengthen the lower framework of the pelvic floor and increase the height of the perineum, due to which the entrance to the vagina is reduced. Thus, we not only prevent the development of bacterial infections, but also return the lost sensations during sexual contact.
A less invasive intervention is contour intimate plastic surgery, which allows you to adjust the appearance of the genitals by inserting hyaluronic acid-based fillers into them. The effect of the procedure lasts for 6-18 months.
To find out the price for intimate plastic surgery, contact the administrator after consulting a plastic surgeon. The estimated price can be viewed on our website.
Intimate plastic surgery for men
Male intimate plastic to a greater extent belongs to the field of andrology, so an andrologist and a plastic surgeon work together. In particular, male intimate plastic surgery includes the following operations to lengthen and thicken the penis:
- lipofilling — injections of adipose tissue to correct the shape of the member and thicken it;
- ligamentotomy — dissection of the supporting ligament of the penis followed by the use of an extender for stretching, which allows you to increase the length by 5-8 cm;
- endophalloprosthesis — installation of penile implants.
The best effect for penis enlargement is given by a combined technique: thickening with a mesh implant and ligamentotomy with the wear of an extender.
What are vaginal plastic surgery and labia minora plastic surgery?
Plastic surgery of the vagina (colporrhaphy), depending on the degree of stretching, may include plastic surgery of both the back and front walls of the vagina, as well as perineoplasty. This allows you to reduce the diameter of the vagina stretched by childbirth, and return the woman to a comfortable feeling of well-being and sexual satisfaction. Postpartum scars can also be removed during the operation. Colporrhaphy will not prevent natural childbirth in the future.
Plastic labia plasticity (labioplasty) is intended not only for the correction of age-related and postpartum changes, but also helps to get rid of congenital hypertrophy of the labia, which prevents a woman from moving normally, doing sports, etc. During the operation, the labia can be reduced and made symmetrical. At the request of the patient, fillers are injected during stretching of the labia.
These and other operations on intimate plastic and intimate rejuvenation are usually well tolerated, do not cause pain in the postoperative period and require no more than 3-4 days of incapacity for work. After that, you can return to your normal life, if the work does not involve significant physical exertion. Sexual silence should last 3-4 weeks.
Why is it necessary to increase the G-spot?
Point G is considered the most innervated place of the vagina, which is responsible for the intensity of vaginal orgasm, accordingly, its increase should improve the sensation during sex. However, this is not currently considered an absolute truth from the point of view of evidence-based medicine.
Will sensitivity change after intimate plastic surgery and intimate rejuvenation?
The change in sensitivity depends on what was done: if we are talking about plastic surgery of the vagina, then the sensitivity can only improve, because the diameter of the vagina is reduced and, accordingly, the feeling of contact during sex will increase. If we are talking about labiaplasty or other types of interventions, the sensitivity will remain at the same level as before the operation.
Do scars remain after intimate plastic surgery?
If intimate plastic surgery was performed by a qualified surgeon according to the principles of plastic surgery (which is exactly how we work), then in a few months even an experienced gynecologist will not notice any traces of interventions.