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Rhinoseptoplasty is an operation aimed not only at changing the shape of the external nose, but also at correcting a deviated septum to restore proper nasal breathing.

The service is available in branches:
  • Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
  • Kyiv, Kostiantynivska, 57

Rhinoplasty combines two types of surgical intervention – septoplasty (correction of the curvature of the nasal septum) and rhinoplasty (correction of the external shape of the nose).

The operation is performed under general anesthesia in two stages with the participation of an otorhinolaryngologist and a plastic surgeon. The first aligns the septum, restores nasal breathing and removes a small part of the cartilage, which in the second stage is used by the plastic surgeon as additional material to shape the back and tip of the external nose and give the external nose the correct shape.

There is primary and repeated rhinoseptoplasty. Primary means that neither rhinoplasty, nor septoplasty, nor rhinoseptoplasty were performed before, and repeated – that one of these operations has already been performed in the past. Carrying out repeated rhinoseptoplasty after surgery is a longer intervention that has a longer rehabilitation period and many nuances. So, when a septoplasty has already been performed and the excess part of the cartilage has been removed, the surgeon needs to take the cartilage tissue that is missing for the plastic from a rib or an ear.

Closed and open rhinoseptoplasty are also distinguished. They differ only in the type of incision made to gain access to the body’s structures. The choice of method is carried out by surgeons before the operation, according to the peculiarities of the patient’s anatomy.

Functional rhinoseptoplasty is one of the most popular operations for which patients turn to the VIRTUS clinic. The goal of our surgeons is not only to provide the patient with an aesthetically attractive nose, but also to solve the problem of impaired nasal breathing.

Indications and contraindications for rhinoseptoplasty

The main indications for rhinoseptoplasty are the curvature of the nasal septum and the unaesthetic shape of the external nose. In turn, the curvature of the septum can lead to the development of the following conditions, which are often addressed by patients:

  • violation of nasal breathing;
  • ear congestion;
  • frequent snoring;
  • frequent runny nose, sinusitis and inflammatory processes.

These complaints lead the patient to an initial consultation with an ENT surgeon. If the patient is also dissatisfied with the shape of his external nose, the doctor refers him to a plastic surgeon. Conversely, if a patient comes to a plastic surgeon with an aesthetic problem, but he also has a distorted nasal septum, the plastic surgeon refers him to an otorhinolaryngologist. After that, a general decision is made regarding the expediency of rhinoseptoplasty.

There are also contraindications to rhinoseptoplasty – the operation is not performed on patients under the age of 18, pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding and people who have diseases associated with the risk of thrombosis.


The result of rhinoseptoplasty

The result of rhinoseptoplasty is an aesthetically attractive shape of the external nose and nasal septum with restoration of normal nasal breathing.

In exceptional cases, additional rhinoplasty may be required. The decision on the need to conduct it is made only six months after full recovery.

Rehabilitation after rhinoseptoplasty

On the seventh day after rhinoseptoplasty, the plastic surgeon removes the sutures, and the ENT surgeon removes the splints. Next, the patient should come for a consultation with both specialists after 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months.

During the rehabilitation period after rhinoseptoplasty, the following are prohibited:

  • intensive physical activity – 3 months;
  • wearing heavy glasses on the bridge of the nose – 3 months;
  • air flights, visits to the sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool and other places associated with increased pressure – 1 month;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages – 1 week (to avoid worsening of edema).

It is important to avoid any risk of injury, which will allow you to preserve the result of nose shape correction for life.

What will happen if the rhinoseptoplasty is not performed?

If septorhinoplasty is not performed, there is a risk of increased nasal breathing, which may affect the general state of health. In addition, for many, the unaesthetic shape of the nose is a psychological problem that leads to complexes and stress.

Wish to see Before and After examples?

Results of our operations and procedures convince better than any words. Judge for yourself!

Popular questions

What is the difference between rhinoplasty and rhinoplasty?

Rhinoseptoplasty is a two-stage operation that solves a functional problem in the form of a violation of normal nasal breathing caused by a curved septum, and an aesthetic one – associated with an irregular shape of the external nose. And rhinoplasty is exclusively a change in the shape of the external nose.

Скільки часу триває риносептопластика?

All stages of surgery to correct the nose with the help of plastic surgery and recovery after anesthesia with subsequent manipulations take 2 days. Namely, the patient’s stay in the operating room is up to four hours.

How long does recovery after rhinoseptoplasty last?

Повне відновлення носового дихання відбувається за місяць після операції. А остаточний результат пластики зовнішнього носа досягається через 6 місяців.

Preparation for rhinoseptoplasty

An important stage of preparation for rhinoseptoplasty is a consultation with a plastic surgeon. During it, the patient explains what result of the operation he expects. Next, photos and videos are taken, and a forecast is made as to how exactly the nose can be straightened. The surgeon explains all the nuances of the operation and the possibility of achieving the patient’s desired result, based on the peculiarities of the structure of his nose. Also, the stages of preparation for rhinoseptoplasty include:

  • consultation of an ENT surgeon and an anesthesiologist;
  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • computed tomography (CT) of the paranasal sinuses, which can be performed at the VIRTUS clinic;
  • cardiogram;
  • Ultrasound of the heart – if indicated;
  • x-ray or fluoroscopy of the lungs (if not performed within the last year).

The preparatory stage usually takes two days.

Stages of rhinoseptoplasty

Open or closed rhinoseptoplasty is performed in two stages.

  1. The first stage is carried out by an ENT surgeon. He restores nasal breathing by correcting the nasal septum and, if it is significantly distorted, reducing the lower nasal turbinates (conchoplasty). In order to align the septum of the nose, the otorhinolaryngologist surgeon removes a small part of the cartilage, which will act as an “implant” in the second stage of the operation. The first stage ends with the installation of splints to stop bleeding.Rhinoseptoplasty-2
  2. The second stage is carried out by a plastic surgeon. The resulting implant allows the plastic surgeon to give the outer nose a correct and aesthetically attractive shape. For example, with its help, it is possible to make a double cartilage for the tip of the nose. The latter is quite soft, so it can go down after a while after the operation. The formation of double cartilage lifts and aligns it, and also makes it denser, which prevents sagging. The implant also allows you to widen, narrow or reduce the nose to achieve the desired result of the patient.


VIRTUS clinic surgeons have been performing nose correction operations for many years. During this time, the use of the patient’s own cartilage from the nasal septum as an implant has proven to be maximally effective in achieving the desired result. This technique allows you to exclude tissue rejection, because the cartilage belongs to the patient’s body. It also shortens the rehabilitation period and leads to rapid implantation of the autoimplant.

After the completion of the second stage of the operation, the patient is transferred to the intensive care unit until the morning of the next day. Importantly, for patients over 40 years of age and those with vascular problems, our doctors must perform an ultrasound of the lower extremities. This ensures patient safety and eliminates the possibility of vascular thrombosis. Then the patient is transferred to a regular ward, tampons are removed from the nasal cavity and sent home.

Kadochnikov Sergiy Valerievich

Kadochnikov Sergiy Valerievich

Plastic surgeon
Work experience (years): 19. Completed over 10 000 plastic and reconstructive operations.
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
Pylypiuk Dmitry Nikolaevich

Pylypiuk Dmitry Nikolaevich

Otorhinolaryngologist, ENT-surgeon
Work experience (years): 16
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
Kornienko Alexandr Evgenievich

Kornienko Alexandr Evgenievich

Plastic surgeon
Work experience (years): 19. Completed over 10 000 plastic and reconstructive operations
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
Tsepkolenkо Аlexandra Vladimirovna

Tsepkolenkо Аlexandra Vladimirovna

Otorhinolaryngologist, ENT-surgeon
Work experience (years): 10
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
Daiub Ali Akhmedovych

Daiub Ali Akhmedovych

Otorhinolaryngologist, ENT-surgeon, surdologist
Work experience (years): 10
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
Sarkisyan Arman Grairovich

Sarkisyan Arman Grairovich

Plastic surgeon
Work experience (years): 10
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B; Kyiv, Kostiantynivska, 57
Service or type of diagnostics Odessa
Sudnobudivna, 1B
Kostiantynivska, 57
Service or type of diagnostics
  • Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
  • Kyiv, Kostiantynivska, 57
Select branch
Консультация врача-оториноларинголога высшей категории (рино- и эндоскопическое обследование) 800
Консультация врача-оториноларинголога (рино- и эндоскопическое обследование) 600
Консультация врача-оториноларинголога (без эндоскопического обследования) 600
Повторная консультация врача-оториноларинголога 600

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