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Treatment for empty nose syndrome

Treatment for empty nose syndrome

Atrophic rhinitis (empty or dry nose syndrome) occurs as a result of atrophy of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. Because of this, the nose cannot perform its functions: cleaning, moisturizing and warming the air. Therefore, it hurts a person to breathe so much that he is not able to even go outside. Often, atrophic rhinitis is a complication after an unsuccessful conchotomy or vasotomy (surgical operation to remove congestion in the vessels of the lower nasal concha), during which the surgeon removed too much cavernous tissue from the patient.

The service is available in branches:
  • Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
Treatment for empty nose syndrome

Indications and contraindications for the treatment of empty nose syndrome.

If earlier it was believed that the nasal septum should be thin and even and the fewer structures the nose contains, the more air enters, but now it has been proven that you cannot remove all the structures of the nasal cavity, because they are designed to allow purified and moistened air to enter further into the respiratory tract. Without it, patients suffer: it hurts to breathe, their nostrils are dry, there is an impression that there is no mucus at all, or they feel constant heartburn. It is not only a physical, but also a psychological problem that torments the patient for years, and it is even worse that currently we do not have a solution to get rid of atrophic rhinitis once and for all.

All these complaints are an indication to consult an otolaryngologist. During the endoscopic examination, the doctor is convinced that the patient lacks the structures of the nasal cavity: the lower turbinates are completely absent, the middle ones try to compensate for the functions of the lower turbinates by increasing in order to insulate and moisten the air. Although the patient’s nose is no different from any other on the outside, it does not look healthy on the inside.

As for contraindications, since atrophic rhinitis is the result of a failed operation, the patient who comes to the doctor, as a rule, has already made sure that he does not have hepatitis B and C, HIV or blood clotting disorders. Oncology is also not a contraindication to the treatment of empty nose syndrome, because stem cells are not used in this case.

The result of the treatment of empty nose syndrome

The result of the treatment of atrophic rhinitis is the improvement of the patient’s condition. Despite the fact that it is impossible to completely get rid of the disease, all our patients note relief of pain in the nose when inhaling, reduction of dryness of the nasal mucosa, disappearance of crusts, appearance of a feeling that the mucous membrane has begun to moisten.

Rehabilitation after treatment of empty nose syndrome

Since the treatment of empty nose syndrome does not involve surgery, but only the use of nasal drops and sprays (moisturizing or with AMK), no rehabilitation is required for patients.

However, the dissertation of our otolaryngologist, ENT surgeon Oleksandra Tsepkolenko is devoted to the use of automesoconcentrate of platelets in the postoperative period after septoplasty or conchotomy (as a result of which a complication in the form of atrophic rhinitis may occur). In patients who received drops with AMC, after removal of splints, the mucous membrane recovered 10 days faster than in those who used a standard ointment with vitamins A and E. Therefore, cell therapy is a promising direction in ENT surgery as well.

What will happen if the empty nose syndrome is not treated

If the empty nose syndrome is not treated, the patient’s condition will deteriorate so that he may soon need psychiatric help. He will suffer from pain in the nasal cavity, face, trigeminal nerve, etc., he will not be able to leave the house when the temperature is below zero because of severe pain when breathing, and if he has allergies, he will not feel any improvement even in the summer. Therefore, therapy should be renewed every six months.

Popular questions

Can the turbinates be restored?

Unfortunately, there is currently no technology that would allow us to restore lost turbinates. Temporarily improving the condition of such patients can only be achieved through regular moistening of the nasal mucosa or cell therapy.

Can a nasal implant be installed instead of removed turbinates?

Our colleagues from Germany tried to find an answer to this question, but as practice has shown, nasal implants do not take root and their installation eventually ends in necrosis. This happens because the nose is not a clean organ.

Will cell therapy help once and for all?

Despite all its promise, cell therapy is currently unable to defeat atrophic rhinitis once and for all. Treatment of AMC should be renewed every six months or when complaints return.

Preparation for treatment of empty nose syndrome

Since atrophic rhinitis is already a complication after surgery, we cannot correct it surgically. Usually, such patients are offered only moisturizing: hyaluronic acid or oil-based sprays. We at the VIRTUS Institute decided to do something different: we started prescribing automesoconcentrate based on our own platelets to patients with atrophic rhinitis, which gives an excellent result.

Preparation for treatment includes a visit to our SmartCell laboratory and a blood donation. The next day, the laboratory provides the ENT doctor with ready-made materials — nasal spray (or drops) and material for injections.

Stages of treatment of empty nose syndrome

First, the otolaryngologist prescribes a spray with hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes well and does not have a negative effect on the mucous membrane. If that doesn’t help reduce complaints, the next step is the heavy artillery: cellular technology. Unfortunately, although atrophic rhinitis is a major problem, there are few treatment options, and cell therapy is currently the best available.

Automesoconcentrate of platelets improves tissue revascularization (nutrition), so its use is appropriate when tissue is insufficient or absent at all. Treatment begins with a cycle of intranasal injections — to the remains of the lower concha, nasal septum, and the floor of the nasal cavity. The material is provided to the doctor daily by our SmartCell biolaboratory. After 3-5 injections, it is the turn of the nasal spray or drops, which the patient can use independently. Before that, we tell you how to store and use the spray (twice a day, in the morning and in the evening), and in 10-14 days we meet for a control visit.

Since we do not take material for biopsy, we cannot see how the mucosa is restored, therefore, we focus on the patient’s well-being and complaints. All of them note that although it still hurts to breathe, the general condition has improved significantly: there is no feeling of dryness and crusts in the nasal cavity, and the pain has decreased. The effect of the treatment lasts about six months, after which it is necessary to repeat the entire cycle or just order a spray.

Treatment with automesoconcentrate of platelets (AMK) is effective not only for atrophic rhinitis, but also for perforation of the nasal septum. It, in turn, can be a consequence of an unsuccessful operation, and a complication in the postoperative period (for example, due to suppuration of the mucous membrane), and even occur due to the use of drugs or inhalation of chemicals. Even if the patient has intact turbinates, air through the perforated septum enters the other half of the nose, due to which the area around the perforation dries out and a crust forms there as well. This place is also surrounded by the AMC with the help of an insulin syringe, and the condition of the patient’s nasal mucosa improves significantly.

Pylypiuk Dmitry Nikolaevich

Pylypiuk Dmitry Nikolaevich

Otorhinolaryngologist, ENT-surgeon
Work experience (years): 15
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
Tsepkolenkо Аlexandra Vladimirovna

Tsepkolenkо Аlexandra Vladimirovna

Otorhinolaryngologist, ENT-surgeon
Work experience (years): 9
Patients are welcome at the following office address: Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
Service or type of diagnostics Odessa
Sudnobudivna, 1B
Kostiantynivska, 57
Service or type of diagnostics
  • Odessa, Sudnobudivna, 1B
  • Kyiv, Kostiantynivska, 57
Select branch
Консультация врача-оториноларинголога высшей категории (рино- и эндоскопическое обследование) 800
Консультация врача-оториноларинголога (рино- и эндоскопическое обследование) 600 640
Консультация врача-оториноларинголога (без эндоскопического обследования) 600 550
Повторная консультация врача-оториноларинголога 600 350

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